Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Photos On A Humid Day
I think it may feel more humid outside than it really is. There's an air quality alert and the cottonwood is still flying, so I decided to wear a mask to protect my asthmatic lungs.

Anyway, I got a couple of good shots. The first is a single wed wose. How womantic.


This is a macro shot of a lea...
6/7/2020 10:48:33 AM
Blast From The Past
Chris is taking a B&W photography course this semester. Tuesday I checked him out on the digital camera. I was pleased to see he knew a lot more than I expected about photography. Some of it is from his design background, but he did have some grasp of focal lengths and f-stops and ISO and the like. He just needed to learn a few basics about the settings of the DSLR, and he was good to go.

Until he got to his class. This is old school B&W. They're required to have a 35m...
1/19/2012 7:40:15 PM
Why I Can't Work For Free
The short version: I have bills to pay, too. 

Check out this longer explanation called "Why Professional Photographers Cannot Work For Free." I didn't write this, but it is so full of win that I had to link to it. Here's a point that will resonate with every creative:
Pleas of “We Have No Money” Are Often Difficult to Fathom
Oh, yes. A while back I was contacted by a magazine that wanted
10/12/2011 10:34:03 AM
Is it Pinin' for Ansel Adams' Darkroom?
I'm afraid the pictures I posted yesterday may be the last good ones to come from my DSLR.

It has passed on.
The camera is no more.
It has ceased to be.
It has expired its warranty and gone to meet its manufacturer.
It is a stiff: Bereft of pixels, it rests in peace.
Its processor is now history.
It has kicked the battery, shed off its flash tube, dropped the shutter curtain, and joined the photography corps invisible.

It is an ex-camera.

Beautiful lenses,
1/1/2010 1:27:48 PM
I Love A Bargain!
We decided to drop in on the closing of out local Circuit City store today and see if there were any bargains whatsoever to be had. Paul spotted one: An Olympus Zuikio 40-150 ED lens for $56. That's $200 less than Wolf wants. When we dropped in earlier during the sale, the lens was $250. I can handle a decent piece of glass for 80% off. Twist my arm.

Got it home and all it needed was to have the fingerprints cleaned off. It works great. It's not the best day for shooting outdoors, sadly.
3/7/2009 4:19:12 PM
Two New Pictures for Sale
Check out the banner on the main journal page, or visit the gallery.

11/23/2008 6:51:42 PM
On Blogging. Firestorms, and Photography
Thomas Hawk has made a second post concerning his expulsion from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Fortunately, he decided to moderate some of his language in the title of the first post.

Since Hawk is a prominent blogger, it didn't take long for this to get picked up on a number of web sites. Predictably, a firestorm has erupted with people taking sides and name-calling and (apparently) threats
8/12/2008 1:23:42 PM
Photography Is Not A Crime!
I'm not a lawyer, but I try to follow the laws regarding shooting in public places.

Today Thomas Hawk blogged about getting kicked out of the SF Museum of Modern Art for taking photographs in an area where photography is permitted.

There are two sides to every story, and if you read the comments trail there are notes from (mostly) anonymous commenters
8/9/2008 4:34:58 PM
Need Some Feedback

From both of you who read the journal, at least. ;-)

This is the gallery I'm building over at Imagekind. I don't have much there yet. In fact, I haven't even decided if this is the place where I want to sell pictures. Be that as it may, I'd like some feedback on pricing. Do the prices seem to high? Low? Just right?

And those who have been watching photos I've posted over the ye...

5/3/2008 11:07:36 AM
And More Good News

Just heard from the canera vendor - the camera has been repaired and will ship back to me today. So I should have a working camera by this time next week. Much rejoicing.

No, these are not jokes.


4/1/2008 2:01:37 PM
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Photos On A Humid Day
6/7/2020 10:48:33 AM

Blast From The Past
1/19/2012 7:40:15 PM

Why I Can't Work For Free
10/12/2011 10:34:03 AM

Is it Pinin' for Ansel Adams' Darkroom?
1/1/2010 1:27:48 PM

I Love A Bargain!
3/7/2009 4:19:12 PM

Two New Pictures for Sale
11/23/2008 6:51:42 PM

On Blogging. Firestorms, and Photography
8/12/2008 1:23:42 PM

Photography Is Not A Crime!
8/9/2008 4:34:58 PM

Need Some Feedback
5/3/2008 11:07:36 AM

And More Good News
4/1/2008 2:01:37 PM

Entropy Ain't What it Used to Be
3/31/2008 11:16:37 AM

Need Some Opinions
3/30/2008 11:29:34 AM

Bad Moon Rising
3/20/2008 10:15:20 PM

More Photo Fun
3/20/2008 3:59:28 PM

Why I REALLY need to get cranking on Stalled Novel #1
3/18/2008 8:08:46 PM

Pictures for sale!
3/6/2008 1:17:13 PM

It's alive!
2/18/2008 10:01:04 PM

Singin' the head shot blues
2/11/2008 5:07:11 PM

2/7/2008 9:43:25 PM

It's dead, Jim
1/31/2008 10:30:47 AM

Stuck in voicemail hell
1/31/2008 10:12:59 AM

This line sounds so wrong out of context...
1/29/2008 9:53:41 PM

What I've learned about photography, part doh!
1/8/2008 10:11:43 AM

Still working hard on the photo moves
1/3/2008 9:29:15 PM

What I'm learning about my photography
1/2/2008 10:53:36 AM

A heads up for writers and photographers
10/6/2007 9:56:01 PM

Photographers, beware!
9/26/2007 3:11:24 PM

I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV...
9/25/2007 1:03:18 PM

Dropping in for a moment....
6/20/2007 3:42:07 PM

Censorship? Bad PR? Or just a misstep?
6/15/2007 10:42:06 AM

6/5/2007 10:57:30 AM

A change in the weather
11/29/2006 10:49:14 AM

Playing when I should be working...
11/28/2006 11:02:42 AM

11/3/2006 2:18:35 PM

Busy weekend
10/21/2006 8:47:36 PM

10/20/2006 4:37:17 PM

A picture discussion
8/9/2006 4:38:52 PM

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ArmadilloCon 2024
9/6/2024  - 9/8/2024
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