Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Takes A Bowling Lesson

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, March 26, 2012

I took a chunk of Friday afternoon off to join my mother at the Lunch 'N' Bowl coaching session last Friday. We both got a lot of good out of it. So what's a bowler with a 175 or so average doing getting coaching? Well, I can always learn more.

But boy, was I aching afterward. We bowled four games and I was on my feet the entire time. My high game was 188, but we spent a lot of time working on my spare shots and adjusting to changing lane conditions. These are two of my biggest problems. I also tend to get tired and lose concentration as the set wears on. I got some help with that, too. 

Mostly I spent the weekend cleaning up in the sewing space (again. It gets messy fast) and re-purposing a couple of items for organization there. Also just chilled out. The sinus infection is MUCH better, but I kind of felt like I needed a little more time to just relax and recover. Otherwise, I'll end up sick again. Don't need that.

Today has been a bit of a "catch up" day. I'm still behind on several things, but I'm getting there. Tomorrow's agenda is more catching up and a trip to get the car inspected. Between the rain and the sinus infection last week, I didn't get out to get that job done. My inspection is up this week, so I can't procrastinate for much longer.

Off to do more catching up. And grocery shopping. Food for dinner might be good. ;-)
Tags: Life

Filed under: Monday Mumblings   Life   Bowling      


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