Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, July 21, 2006

Yes, it's the end of the week at last.

Today's office heat:


About like yesterday, but the fan is running better so at least the headache hasn't set in. A cold front is forecast to come through sometime in the next dozen or so hours, and highs for the next three days should be about ten to fifteen degrees cooler. "Cool," of course, is a relative term.

I've managed to accomplish a little more than I thought I would today. More work than usual for the Friday client, a couple of hours out on the long-awaited bit o' family business, and some research that unearthed one fact for the Barbara Bauer Wikipedia page. It's not the most earth-shattering thing; in fact, it shows evidence that Bauer did not place a particular book with a vanity press. I don't know how that will go over with certain people, but a fact is a fact.

In response to your comment, Karen: On one hand it's not as though the world revolves around the one Wikipedia entry. On the other, there is the principle of the thing. There's being right, and there's being correct. "Right" is a state of mind. "Correct" means presenting the facts, even said facts don't bolster your POV. Am I making any sense? (See the thermometer above.)

Spent a little time working on an issue at a discussion board which I moderate. Someone posted some pr0n. No, it's gone. Don't even think about scurrying over there. ;-) I'm all for freedom of expression, and no, I don't mind a little adult content. But the stuff doesn't belong on a discussion board frequented by teenagers. When you hang out on a discussion board or a blog, you are a guest in someone else's virtual home. If your host says she's asthmatic, would you light up? If the host has small children, would you launch into a raunchy joke? Would you attack other guests in the home because you disagree with their outlook on life? It's a matter of courtesy. Some people don't understand that concept, I'm afraid.

Speaking of concepts, I've got more of the plot on the WIP figured out. Hopefully it will be cool enough this weekend for a marathon writing session.

If I don't eat myself into oblivion, that is.

Eat, drink and be merry, for on Monday you start the South Beach Diet. That wasn't one of Shakespeare's, but I'm sure you get the sentiment. My doctor has suggested that diet, and I'm going to give it a shot. But first, I need to get rid of a little chocolate that's staring at me every time I open the fridge. I think that chocolate is actually included (in very moderate amounts) in the third stage of the diet, so I've got a goal. Just don't ask me to learn to like Diet Dr Pepper. The stuff gives me a headache.

We're going out for a last Tex-Mex blowout tonight, then I get to come home and do laundry when it isn't so darned hot. The desk thermometer just clicked over to 86.2. That margarita sounds better and better...

Feline Friday is next. Have a good weekend.

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Filed under: Life   BarbaraBauer   Wikipedia   Writing   Pictures


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