Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Round Robin in a minute.

First, thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate it. Apparently I just had a hit-and-run bug. I'm still looking for the number of that truck; perhaps I can avoid it next time it comes at me!

Yesterday was ... hectic, but good in the end. We got up early, ran across town to the pulmonary care doctor, and spent an hour and a half at the office. Poor guy was run off his feet. I think he was interrupted four times with emergency calls during our appointment. In spite of that he took quite a bit of time with us and didn't rush at all.

He put together a med plan for Chris to follow on his next trip. The concern is that they'll be out in the middle of nowhere and getting to a hospital quickly may be problematic. Chris is doing well enough that we don't anticipate any problems, but one never knows with asthma, so it's best to plan for bad stuff. The doc also discovered that I hadn't had a lung function test in five years, so it was my turn to blow into the tube. The test results came out great, which means no change in my med plan. And there was much rejoicing.

We came home, got lunch, got Chris a haircut, went grocery shopping, dumped the groceries off, then went back across town for his senior picture.

Senior picture. Boy, do I feel old. The proofs looked pretty good, and he had the sense to choose the package that includes retouching. Not only does he have his share of zits (though that's cleared up quite a bit in the last few months), he came home from camp with a sunburn. They'll retouch all of that.

Then my new doctor called with the results of my blood work. Danged if my cholesterol isn't excellent. Again, much rejoicing.

And to top it all off, I wrote a story! It needs a lot of work, but it felt good to just be able to sit down and write without frustration. I suppose all the good medical news recently has helped. Yeah, I'll probably post the story when all is said and done. It still needs some serious revision. Chris did a beta read for me and pointed out some problems.

Well, it's time to go throw the ball at some sticks. I dread looking at my average after last week's 255 game. There's no way I can keep this up, but I have to admit it's been fun!

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