Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Julie's Web Journal | Tag Search

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Some Good Advice for Bloggers
Via Photo Attorney comes this interview with attorney Ron Coleman on legal issues for bloggers.

I feel obligated to mention that while the link goes to a conservative political site, the article itself is very non-political. Instead, it talks about things bloggers need to be aware of, particularly when quoting from other a
8/14/2008 10:24:43 AM

E for Excellent

Karen has bestowed the E for Excellent Award on this journal. Thank you, Karen.

It now befalls upon me to pass the award along. The three blogs I have chosen are being named in no particular order, but they're all far more deserving of any sort of award than I.

Ann Crispin, Victoria Strauss, and Richard C. Write ...

4/26/2008 5:09:05 PM
Small site update
No, I'm not procrastinating. I'm on a break. It was either jump into the next two-hour session or wait until the family was ready to eat. I chose the latter and used the time to update my blogrolls.

I've now broken out photography as a category. If your link used to be here and you don't see it, let me know. That means I messed up!

And if you want to exchange links, let me know.

Tags: ...

11/9/2007 6:03:24 PM
So much for cocomment...for now at least
As cool as cocomment is, I've discovered the fatal (for me at least) flaw. Comments posted by cocomment account holders get posted to their server instead of mine. This effectively kills the conversation. Oh, well. I'll keep an eye on it and see if they fix it.

Tags: ...

7/30/2007 12:51:36 PM
coComment now active
I've just integrated the journal with a cool new service called coComment, which allows you to watch comment conversations from one convenient spot. You'll see a little widget under the comment box. If you're not a coComment user you can ignore the widget.

Tags: , ...

7/30/2007 10:24:24 AM
More social networking stuff
I'm now on Facebook and Pownce. If you're on either one, feel free to friend me.

(And yes, I have some Pownce invites. Drop me a line if you want one.)

Tags: , , ...

7/18/2007 8:57:31 PM
Apologies again for the problems with posting comments last night. I had planned to step away from the computer this weekend, but instead I spent several hours today rewriting the comment engine. I still don't haven't figured out an elegant way around that error message when it crops up, but I've done two things:

First, I've separated the script that e-mails me comment notifications from the script that posts the comment to the database. Post first, send notification next. You may get an e...

12/16/2006 10:08:41 PM
How to drive traffic to your blog
Robert Scoble provides some good tips on how to get traffic to your blog. The comments trail has other good advice.

I have to plead guilty as charged to not following several of his tips. Perhaps I could do better with headlines, but I'm not sure if I want to change my title tag. Food for thought, certainly. Tags: ...

12/9/2006 11:52:06 AM
Do. Not. Spam. This. Blog.
You may think you're doing a good thing for the world. I don't know. But when you drop a list of links and run, you look like a spammer. You want to discuss something? Great. That's what we're here for. This is not a place to dump your links. Got it?

Tags: , ...

9/5/2006 4:06:15 PM
Minor journal changes and other stuff
I've made a few formatting changes that should make the archive pages easier to read.

The Events page has been updated. We've got some more things going, but I'm not going to list them until we've got all the details nailed down.

I've also done a few "behind the scenes" sort of things. I just want to have an extra line or two of defense should this journal get hit by spammers.

And the Wikipedia drama continues. The current bone of contention is whether or not blogs should be ...

7/22/2006 5:41:41 PM
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Tag Search Results
Some Good Advice for Bloggers
8/14/2008 10:24:43 AM

4/26/2008 5:09:05 PM

Small site update
11/9/2007 6:03:24 PM

So much for cocomment...for now at least
7/30/2007 12:51:36 PM

coComment now active
7/30/2007 10:24:24 AM

More social networking stuff
7/18/2007 8:57:31 PM

12/16/2006 10:08:41 PM

How to drive traffic to your blog
12/9/2006 11:52:06 AM

Do. Not. Spam. This. Blog.
9/5/2006 4:06:15 PM

Minor journal changes and other stuff
7/22/2006 5:41:41 PM

I know, I should be in bed...
6/26/2006 10:50:10 PM

Day of relaxation? What's that?
6/17/2006 10:56:41 PM

Full RSS feed now available
6/15/2006 10:47:02 PM

Harder to breathe
6/13/2006 4:48:32 PM

We're back!!!
6/1/2006 10:25:34 PM

Catching up a bit
5/30/2006 10:53:55 AM

Working on the archive
5/30/2006 9:25:55 AM

I'm in Google Base
5/30/2006 9:25:45 AM

Yeah, and a big "me too!"
5/30/2006 9:25:10 AM

Is it ever okay to give away your content?
5/30/2006 9:24:59 AM

Still a busy week
5/30/2006 9:24:40 AM

Picture o' the day
3/28/2006 9:24:13 AM

Test journal is up
3/19/2006 7:45:00 PM

Virtual jet lag
2/28/2006 7:14:00 AM

Short entry today
2/23/2006 8:15:00 AM

Short entry
2/22/2006 6:29:00 AM

Someone will be in for a rude surprise
2/21/2006 11:55:00 AM

I'm in trouble now.
2/3/2006 6:22:00 PM

Dodged a bullet
2/2/2006 6:15:00 PM

Monday mumblings
1/30/2006 9:04:00 AM

So little to do, so much time - reverse that!
1/27/2006 10:32:00 AM

Using RSS feeds
1/26/2006 8:43:00 AM

Widgets, we've got widgets!
1/25/2006 7:07:00 PM

Famous last words
1/25/2006 12:58:00 PM

Tag search, at last!
1/18/2006 1:04:00 PM

Year-end wrap-up
12/31/2005 12:14:00 PM

More fun with ads
12/29/2005 6:59:00 PM

'Twas the day after Christmas
12/26/2005 11:21:00 AM

Changes to comments
12/24/2005 3:06:00 PM

Oh, it's been a long week!
12/22/2005 7:31:00 PM

More on comment spam
12/21/2005 7:39:00 PM

And there was much rejoicing!
12/6/2005 7:12:00 PM

Here we go again
12/6/2005 1:17:00 PM

Not the "A" list...
12/6/2005 7:32:00 AM

If empty please try again
Events and Appearances:
FenCon XX
2/14/2025  - 2/16/2025
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