Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Fabulous Friday

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, January 20, 2006

First off, thanks for all the wonderful comments on both the "Super Model" picture and the journal. If you're interested in participating, check the Round Robin Photo Challenges link at left. I think that I finally managed to get around to everyone else's journals to see thier excellent work. I've updated the list on the post, or visit the link to see the current, updated list.

The knee is doing better, thanks. At least I can sit at the computer today. Lolling around in bed just seems so ... decadent, even though I'm working hard.

As usual, Friday means work for my Monday/Friday client and the ever-popular laundry. Oh, joy. Got the first out of the way, at least.

Watched another episode of Touching Evil last night and did (all together now) a little more research. I just want to be sure I know what I'm doing before I sit down. That point was driven home when I was joyreading the other night. (You know: reading for fun.) The author mentioned a Victrola and then called the trademark Edison. It's a little thing, but it just kept nagging at me. (Edison and Victor were the Apple and Microsoft of the technology. Yep, Edison = Apple. Innovative stuff, but his discs would only play on his machines. But I digress.) I guess this is why I want to get it right the first time, especially when a plot point may hinge on the quality of my research.

Oh, well. It sounds good. I think.

And yes, my desk is still clean. Ladies and gentlemen, we may have a new world record!

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