Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Merry Christmas

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, December 25, 2005

And Merry Catmas from the cats. Well, the roast is in the oven and the table is set:

It's okay; you don't have to stagger and scream, "oh, Hyacinth!" I didn't.

The guys went driving today on the assumption that there wouldn't be much traffic. Well, I guess it could have been worse, but there was more than they expected. But now Chris has done his first bit of freeway driving. He said it wasn't as scary as he thought it would be.

Did a little more research last night, watched some Christmas Britcoms, and then hit the sack. There was one stocking stuffer for Chris, but otherwise there was nothing underneath the tree since we had already done the gift thing. I need to wrap a bunch of gifts for relatives today, so there will at least be something under the tree at some point.

No, I'm not disappointed. I'm very happy. My office is looking great, the guys are enjoying their games, and all is right with the world - at least until the bills come in.

Better get back to the roast. I'm breaking my red meat ban for today. We'll have roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, a salad, potatoes au gratin, and few other little goodies. I've tried to be a good girl, but my cholesterol will just have to deal with the roast today.

Filed under: Life            


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Lisa said:
Merry Christmas! Dinner sounds yummy. We have never done roast beef for a holiday, but now I may just have to do that next year. Enjoy! Lisa
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Lisa said:
Merry Christmas! Dinner sounds yummy. We have never done roast beef for a holiday, but now I may just have to do that next year. Enjoy! Lisa
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lisa said:
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Julie said:
Clicked on that Submit button twice, eh? And I thought I was the one who had Cabernet for lunch...

Enjoy your Christmas!
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Lisa said:
Merry Christmas! Dinner sounds yummy. We have never done roast beef for a holiday, but now I may just have to do that next year. Enjoy! Lisa
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Lisa said:
Merry Christmas! Dinner sounds yummy. We have never done roast beef for a holiday, but now I may just have to do that next year. Enjoy! Lisa
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lisa said:
Date: Date:

Julie said:
Clicked on that Submit button twice, eh? And I thought I was the one who had Cabernet for lunch...

Enjoy your Christmas!
Date: Date:

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