Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

...And I'd Like to Thank My Ballet Teacher...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, August 21, 2015

This post is two years in the making. Two years ago I was running the Hugo Ceremony at LoneStarCon 3. And I promised to post at least one cool picture I was handed afterward. So here, at last:


That is Astronaut Cady Coleman, who participated in the Hugo Awards Ceremony. She also signed a ginormous picture of her with the Expedition 27 crew. It's very "Right Stuff," as you can see here. I'd like to share it at some point, but I'll need to shot it or scan it or something.

The other thing you see there is my LSC 3 badge. I've folded it over (tons of ribbons!) so you can see the a couple. See that red and white one? At Closing Ceremonies chair Randall Shepherd recognized a group of volunteers as "Stars of Texas." My name was mentioned first, but I'm sure they must have been in alphabetical order. I don't remember. Maybe it was from "least" to "most" work put in. Yeah, that was it. ;-)

At the time Randy said that there would be something more later on. Well, you know how these things go. And I totally forgot about it. 

Apparently there are physical awards! I'm told they were designed by Vincent Villafranca (who designed the Hugo Base) and were handed out last night during the Chesley Awards. 

I really wanted to to go Spokane this year, but it just wasn't in the budget. But dang, if I'd known that was going to happen I might have tried to see if I could get there, if only for a few days.

Oh, well.

Yes, it was nice to be recognized. I'd like to mention a few people who also made the Hugos a success. I know I'm forgetting names, and I've kinda slept since then. So instead of trying to remember names, here's the credits page from the Hugo program booklet:


Sorry for the quality. I just put it on the table instead of scanning it. (Had the scanner working with Windows 10 last week and now it's not working. Grr.)

Also want to thank Laura Domitz, one of the original co-chairs of LSC 3,who recruited me for the job and Randall Shephard, LSC 3 chair.

And as always, Paul. He had to put up with Chris and I during that time. (Chris was not only stage crew, but he put the slide show together!)

Anyway, I'm told I'll get the actual award at FenCon, and I'll share a picture out when that happens.

Filed under: Conventions   LoneStarCon 3         


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