Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Home Again, Home Again

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My sister Karen accompanied me to Tulsa over the weekend for Conestoga.

That was quite a drive, because it doesn't involve interstate freeways. We take I-35 to Oklahoma City, and it's a fairly straight shot. The route to Tulsa involves some freeways, a number of four-lane roads through small towns, and a turnpike. It's certainly a scenic trip, but it took a lot out of me.

The convention was good. I sold three pieces of art. One went quick sale so fast I don't think the piece had settled after I'd affixed the bid sheet. That was gratifying.

Spent most of yesterday catching up on laundry and housework. It's cottonwood season, and the carpet in the living room looked terrible within an hour after I ran the vacuum cleaner. I decided to grill, which meant I was in and out a lot, tracking in the stuff. I'll do the carpet again after Chris takes off to school. Then I'll go to the store and track more crud in. And so goes the spring cottonwood cycle.

I went out to the front yard to see if there might be an iris blossom I could bring indoors for the table, and there were none. Clipped. Why do people think it's perfectly fine to walk into a stranger's (or neighbor's) yard and take flowers? I've had roses clipped and peppers snatched. Grow yer own damn stuff. Get out of my yard!

Today I make a valiant attempt to clean up my desk and take care of a few odds and ends. There is writing to be done, and I've promised myself I'd do the Weekend Assignment, even though I'm very late. That will be the next entry.

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