Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

I Never Could Get the Hang of Thursdays

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apologies to Douglas Adams, of course.

Well. The mail finally arrived today: a great bundle of bills and "urgent" junk mail all trussed up in a rubber band. I didn't miss anything time sensitive, at least in the business sense of the word. The "urgent" stuff went straight to the recycle bin. I don't need another charge card, thank you.

I think I know what's causing the ennui. It's winter. We're back on to Standard Time and the sun goes down early and fast. Sort of like Grepthar's Hammer on a gang of "get a life" fans at a mall opening. Or something like that. Hey, I just liked the idea of using "Grepthar's Hammer" in a sentence.

Still, it's dark early, and that's probably what's got me down. That, and the dust from the construction. Breathing has not been fun.

Thanks for bearing with me.

So, what's on tap for the weekend? I hope to have the time to participate in the Weekend Assignment and Feline Friday. I just left a note on Karen's blog in lieu of an actual assignment entry last week. Shame on me. In my meager defense, I thought it would be better than apparently ignoring it. I honestly didn't have anything I could use for that topic.

Lots to do tomorrow, partly due to catching up to the backlog of snail mail. Meetings this weekend, and yes, we're taking time to watch Quantum of Solace. I'll pack my inhaler and my cough drops and suffer through it. Daniel Craig and Judi Dench are worth it! I love how she plays M.

Time to give it up for the night. Hope to be here a couple of times tomorrow. See you then.


Filed under: Life            


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