Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, May 9, 2008

Busy day.

Chris had his last final this morning. We celebrated by going to Starbucks for a cup of coffee.

Did the grocery shopping and discovered my frequent customer card quit working. Dang it, I had $18 in savings - about 20% of my bill! Off to the Customer Service desk, where they cheerfully refunded my $18 and gave me a new card. I love it when customer service works right, so I should mention the name of the store: Tom Thumb. It's now part of the ginormous Safeway chain, but some of the employees have been at that store for close to twenty years. The employees are nice and the produce and meat are very fresh. Price-wise, they're in the middle range of the three stores where I shop, but I'm willing to pay a bit more for good meat and produce - as long as I can afford it.

Chris took the car out and filled it up with gas. $53. Yikes.

Spent the entire afternoon cleaning house. Midnight is still having issues with the new box and I discovered evidence of said issues under a piece of furniture in the dining room. (Is that euphemistic enough?) I cleaned the mess and then cleared everything I could out of the dining room and cleaned the carpets. Boy, was that a job. Then I sprayed the carpets with fabric freshener for another layer of odor-killing goodness. Once the carpet is dry I'll lay some waxed paper out under the piece of furniture so she won't be tempted to express her displeasure there again.

Then I suppose I need to make an appointment with the vet. I'm sure it's just "ooh, something new," but it's time for shots anyway. Midnight is very big on procedure, which must be followed.

While I had all the cleaning supplies out I ran the vacuum over the living room.

Of course, today was laundry day as well.

Oh, and I cleaned the patio so we could eat dinner out there tonight.

I'm bushed, and I think I'll go relax.

Thanks for visiting, and have a good weekend!


Filed under: Life            


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