Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, March 14, 2008

This will be a short entry before I crawl into bed.

Last night was...tiring. Still didn't get to sleep until 4:00, and then couldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time.

Yeah, I've been absolutely dead tired today. I even had Chris take me to the store so I wouldn't have to get behind the wheel for the whole half mile or whatever it is.

I then decided that perhaps it would be a good thing to do something, even if it was wrong. Dinner on the patio sounded like a nice idea, so I tackled cleaning that space this afternoon. Boy, was hit hot. The temp was pushing 90F, which is pretty darn warm for March around here. That's okay. I got the patio cleared off, hosed it down, brought out the nice tropical mats, and put all of the plant stands back up. After a short break I dragged all of the plants back out onto the patio.

Now my interiors no longer look like Hyacinth Bucket's Bring the Outdoors Indoors Luxury Barbeque With Finger Buffet.

The cats were presented with a gift of fresh 'nip, and we settled down for a nice meal outdoors. It was wonderful. I relaxed. And I'm feeling very tired. I've grabbed a few DVDs and am going to go back and put one on "play everything" mode and see what happens. If I don't zonk out, I'll at least get to take my mind somewhere else for close to four hours.

You probably want to know what I'm going to watch. If you must. I've grabbed the Lord Peter/Harriet Vane trilogy and the first series of Ballykissangel. I am so transparent. But seriously, it's stuff I love and have watched enough times that I don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about the plots.

If I don't sleep, I shall at least be entertained.

And who can argue with that?

Thanks for dropping by, and see you on St. Pat's if not sooner.


Filed under: Life            


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