Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I have a feeling of impending doom. Nothing I can put my finger on precisely, yet I just know that something bad is about to happen.

Actually, I do know: I am expecting a rejection on a story at any time now. Yes, even more bad news for the holiday season. I shall be pleasantly surprised (ecstatic, in fact) if, by the slimmest of chances, there is an acceptance. Given the timeframe on this one I may not find out until the first of the year, so I suppose I should just put the uneasy feelings aside and enjoy the holidays.

Still working on getting the Catmas cards out the door. They will be late this year. I decided to take a little extra time to verify some addresses. Then will come the inevitable discovery that I'm two stamps short - a situation that presents me with the dilemma of waiting in a long line for normal stamps or taking my chances at the machine. I expect the machine will spit out a packet of eighteen holiday-themed stamps, which I won't use up until Valentine's Day. Yet use them I must, for if I have any left over for the next mailing, the rates will have gone up and two-cent stamps will be unobtainable.

Man, I need a little holiday cheer.

I'm looking at two piles among the many on my desk: the unmailed cards and the unpaid bills. I suppose it would be a good idea to attack them so I can get on to the next order of buisiness, which is finishing up my shopping. Yes, I do procrastinate.


Filed under: Life            


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