Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Friday! With pictures!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, July 27, 2007

I decided that I just had to take some time off today. Considering the late night's I've been putting in lately, I kind of think I deserve a break. I pushed some stuff for a client out the door this morning, got Chris out of bed and headed out to meet some friends for coffee. I had the full fat mocha AND a chocolate croissant. Sometimes you've just gotta break the diet. Should I be ashamed to admit that I really enjoyed them? Absolutely not. It was a treat, and filling enough that I skipped lunch.

The rain that was supposed to have moved in from the south hasn't made it here yet, but the clouds have, which meant prime shooting weather. So if you'll pardon the picspam, I'm going to catch up with a few shots here:


This guy was skulking along the roof looking for access to the bird feeder. He was out of luck.


I hardly ever manage butterfly shots. This isn't the best, but I'm happy to have snapped one.


Here's the hibiscus plant on the patio.

I suppose that's enough pictures, although there are a couple of kitty shots to follow.

Once I get Feline Friday out of the way I guess I should buckle down and get a little work done.

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!

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