Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Gonna be one of those days

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Already 83F with 79% humidity. Ugh.

I was up way too late reading last night. I picked up half a dozen paperbacks over the weekend. Five are by Rachel Caine. She's so danged prolific I've fallen behind. The other is Old Man's War by John Scalzi. I bought it because I read his blogs and participate in his memes (the Monday Photo Shoot and the Weekend Assignment) from time to time and it seemed right to buy at least one of his books. I can't put it down. Yes, John Scalzi, you are responsible for today's "there is not enough coffee in the world" sluggishness.

I'll be buying the next book in the series.

So, what's on tap for today? I've got a story I really need to start. It's been bubbling around in the brain long enough. If I don't get something on paper the idea will get stale. I've got database work to do, and I need to crawl under the desk and reconnect my second monitor. Chris borrowed the DVI adapter so he could use his new monitor until he had the time to get his own DVI cable. I didn't realize how much I relied on that second monitor until I didn't have it.

I really need to get out and shoot. I've been waiting for the day lilies to blossom, but so far no go. They were blooming at this time last year. I guess our cool, rainy spring has something to do with that. Well, it ain't cool and rainy no more! Oh, and I suppose I should get out and do a bit of yard work. Think I'll wait until Chris is out of bed so he can assist. It'll be hotter, but perhaps the humidity will be lower. It's a trade-off.

Off to work!

Filed under: Life            


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