Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

So little to do and so much time ... Reverse that!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have a stack of bills, a ton of laundry, a pile of scanning backed up, and a daunting list of things to do on the web site. Of course, that means I procrastinate in every way that I can!

I am getting in gear earlier in the day than usual. Less e-mail to deal with this morning. It's those days when I get up and find half a dozen fires smoldering in the inbox that really do me in. This isn't to say that things might heat up later in the day or later in the week, but I suppose it means I should get other things out of the way, eh?

But I don't wanna. I guess it's a form of post-vacation blues kicking in. Of course, I didn't have a vacation to speak of, but that doesn't stop my brain from coming up with new ways to avoid work.

So, what's going on with the world? Well, we're still on the home stretch for the end of school. Chris took his second AP test yesterday. He stayed up late and got up early to study. (That's my problem - I'm simply stunned that he did such a thing!) He says he thinks the extra work paid off. He had a really good incentive to pass his AP Music Theory test. A local foundation is sort of sponsoring Music Theory classes. They pay the AP test fees, and if the student passes the test then they get a check for $100 to use as they wish. Bribery has its uses, I suppose. Chris will use the money to help buy school books. Won't you, Chris? (Prod.)

I guess his elementary reunion was just a big of a disappointment. It was kind of a last-minute affair; no one at the school had even given it any thought until Chris called to ask when they'd do it. Heck, the e-mail announcement they sent to the high school congratulated the elementary class of 1999. They were the class of 2000. Every other school on this end of town had been planning their reunions for months. Sorry that happened. I knew some kids were really looking forward to it.

Looks like Chris just has to take two final exams next week, but he has to show up and check in somewhere on the two days he doesn't take tests so the school district can get their money out of the state. That is so stupid. I mean, if a student is exempt from taking an exam, they shouldn't have to even show up. There should be some small reward for all the hard work. This is one rule the school district didn't write, so I can't blame them.

And speaking of rules, the legislature is trying to put an end to the dreaded TAKS test. I'll be surprised if the manage to do anything. I mean, there are no powerful energy lobbies pushing for education reform, so what's the rush?

Oops. I think the UPS on Paul's computer just went down. My hand has been forced. I've got to get going so I'll have time to go shop for a new one. Mine has been acting up as well, so perhaps I need to make it a matching set.

What was it I said about fires?

Have a good one.

Filed under: Life            


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