Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Catching up on the week

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Now that I've (hopefully) solved my video card issues I'd really like to get down to work. I am, for some reason, uninspired. This is not good. I suppose I'm rather burned out over dealing with computer issues day in and day out. I'm going to take tomorrow morning off and recharge. Heck, I'd take the rest of the day off, but I've got some grunt work that needs to be done.

I keep feeling that I should say something about what happened at Virgina Tech, but words fail me. So I won't, except to say that the families of the victims (and the victims that survived) are in my prayers.

I did get around to visiting the Round Robin entries today. It's fun to see everyone's take on their best work. Of course, it's all good stuff. Everyone has their own definition of "best." It could be technical "best" or something that triggered fond memories. There's no wrong answer, which is what I found so fascinating about this challenge.

Better go do the grunt work.

Filed under: Life            


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