Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, April 9, 2007

Well. Where did the weekend go?

Oh, I know: It plodded by in a cold-induced haze. I finished two books and got a good start on a third. That was my weekend.

Yes, the cold lingers, but I can sense a light at the end of the sinus-tunnel. And I pray it isn't a train.

Seriously, I'm breathing a bit better and the fever is gone, so I should be on the upward swing.

Just promise me you'll pass along the license number of that truck that hit me if you happen to find it.

Unless something goes wrong in the next few minutes (and it very well could) I'm going to attempt one or two entries with a little more substance. Need to check on the Monday laundry first.

Filed under: Life            


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