Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, January 26, 2007

An absolutely gorgeous day today. I shot this on the way to school:

Sunrise, East PlanoSunrise, East Plano Hosted on Zooomr

And I was talking about some "undisclosed errands" yesterday. The veil of secrecy can now be lifted. I was purchasing a birthday present for Paul. Take a look at this:

Elvis has left the buildingElvis has left the building Hosted on Zooomr

This is a Shure55SH Series II microphone. This is a reproduction of the classic "Elvis" microphone. Sweet, isn't it? We'll be using this in our show.

I'll post a kitty picture, and then it's off to dinner to celebrate Paul's birthday. We're going out for Greek food. Yum!

Thanks for stopping by as always, and enjoy your weekend!

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deslily said:
hey, that's really neat!!!
Date: 1/27/2007 7:49:55 AM Date: 1/27/2007 7:49:55 AM

deslily said:
hey, that's really neat!!!
Date: 1/27/2007 7:49:55 AM Date: 1/27/2007 7:49:55 AM

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