Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, July 2, 2006

We ended June with .24 inches of rain. Quite pitiful once you understand that we usually get over three inches of the stuff at this time of year. Last night we were surprised by the early arrival of some tropical moisture from the gulf. While we got quite a bit of thunder, most of the rain petered out before it got as far north as where we live. This is about as wet as it got:


On the other hand, we experienced a sudden and significant temperature drop from the outflow of the storms to the south of us. That was nice.

Today has been hot and humid - one of those days when the A/C abandones all hope of keeping the place cool. Unlike last year, however, the ceiling fans are now helping to keep the place bearable.

Me? I'm just catching up on a few things. I need to back up some data on my computer and do the error-check and defrag thing, but I don't know if I've got the energy. I could (and should) finish revisions on a story, but there's also something to be said for stepping away from the computer and picking up a book.

The one thing I did accomplish today was to vacuum the carpet. Oooh. Ah. I can tell you're impressed. We stopped in at Kohl's after lunch so Paul could buy some shirts. I noticed they had little accent rugs on sale and the other day I noticed a hole in the rug that lays just inside the patio door. Yeah, we have carpet, but that's a high-traffic area and stuff gets tracked in. This area is also next to the cat perch. Last week Paul moved the Catcam to point at the floor because the cats had been hanging out there lately. It's a cool spot, but also gets sun. So here was this camera pointing at a rug with a hole in it! Now we have a new, colorful bit of carpet there, and I must say it looks better. And the price was right.

I have no doubt one of the felines will express their appreciation soon with a gift.

Enjoy your Fourth of July weekend.

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