Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Freaky Friday

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, June 16, 2006

Today was one of those days that turned out really busy. You know how stuff just goes to you-know-where in a handbasket sometimes? That was today. We went to coffee, stopped at the Honda shop for parts for Paul, ran more errands, then came home. Chris had two jobs: One was to pack as much as he could for summer camp. The other was to call to arrange an appointment for his senior portrait. He did both, but discovered that his trunk for camp was broken. It's over ten years old, so I'm surprised it's lasted this long. That started a two-hour odyssey to various stores to find a trunk. Long story short: We found one.

Oh, yeah: I also bought a Borg implant Bluetooth earpiece for the new phone. Amazingly, it works. Fry's had one on sale for $20. No rebate, even. What a shock.

After dinner tonight we decided to go look for a new printer. I think we've settled on an HP 8250, but we're still thinking it over. This isn't something to buy on impulse.

And it rained today! But that's another entry.

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