Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Are we having fun, yet?

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

No we certainly are not. No sir, not one bit.

Here's the story: Yesterday morning I started getting calls and messages (though alternate addresses) that e-mail to me was bouncing. It's all very bizarre. Apparently the hosting service got on my ISP's blacklist, so I'm having problem s with mail from here and HouseFans.net. The ISP isn't on the Spamhaus black list, so I find this odd - especially as my ISP is listed as one of the top ten spammers from Spamhaus.

Change ISPs? I have no choice at the moment unless I want to go to a slow DSL connection. I may look at it if/when we get FIOS. Right now I'm getting 8 mpbs, and I'd be lucky to get 1.5 on DSL. Yeah, I hunger for that speed. Seriously, as long as my work requires me to move large databases and the like back and forth, that speed is necessary.

One reason I have a domain is to have a portable address, under my control. My ISP has switched owners three or four times since we've been on board, necessitating an account name switch every time. It's better to have an address that I can forward anywhere I want. But that address is blocked for some reason.

The hosting service is working to get the block removed, so I hope all will be well soon.

Hopefully I'll have a picture later today, and the chance to blog a little more. I spent all day yesterday chasing this problem down and trying to find a workaround. It has not been fun. On top of that I'm trying to get out of my bowling league this morning because my knee just hurts way too much. I can't let it heal if I have to keep moving. (I just put on weight. If it's not one thing, it's another.)

I'm going to leave you with a potentially interesting web site: StopBadware.org is gearing up to be a clearninghouse for adware and spyware information. If I read this right, you'll be able to visit this site and find out what's in a piece of software before you download it. Sounds good to me. They've got some heavyweights like Google and Sun Microsystems behind them, so this looks to be a good thing so far.

Oh, and Karen - I plan to look into the Feedburner issue this afternoon - if all you-know-what doesn't break loose otherwise!

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