Gravatar Charlene said:
I thought you would appreciate this bit of news. Kansans are more stupid than anyone when it comes to the first snow of the year. We had 1 1/2 inches of snow and 650 reported accidents. The wind was blowing and created ice on the roads. Stay home if you can't drive. My soapbox for the day. Love, Charlene
Date: 12/13/2008 10:16:09 AM

Gravatar Charlene said:
I thought you would appreciate this bit of news. Kansans are more stupid than anyone when it comes to the first snow of the year. We had 1 1/2 inches of snow and 650 reported accidents. The wind was blowing and created ice on the roads. Stay home if you can't drive. My soapbox for the day. Love, Charlene
Date: 12/13/2008 10:16:12 AM

Gravatar Suzanne R said:
Yes, that's one mad cat eye if I ever saw one! LOL! My link is:
Date: 12/13/2008 7:36:24 PM

Gravatar Charlene said:
I thought you would appreciate this bit of news. Kansans are more stupid than anyone when it comes to the first snow of the year. We had 1 1/2 inches of snow and 650 reported accidents. The wind was blowing and created ice on the roads. Stay home if you can't drive. My soapbox for the day. Love, Charlene
Date: 12/13/2008 10:16:09 AM

Gravatar Charlene said:
I thought you would appreciate this bit of news. Kansans are more stupid than anyone when it comes to the first snow of the year. We had 1 1/2 inches of snow and 650 reported accidents. The wind was blowing and created ice on the roads. Stay home if you can't drive. My soapbox for the day. Love, Charlene
Date: 12/13/2008 10:16:12 AM

Gravatar Suzanne R said:
Yes, that's one mad cat eye if I ever saw one! LOL! My link is:
Date: 12/13/2008 7:36:24 PM


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