Gravatar deslily said:
When I lived in California I had a cat.. during the hot weather of LA I would take 2 one gallon containers and fill them with water and freeze them... then before i'd go to work I'd put them under the bathroom sink (where i also kept some towels) I'd leave the door part open and my cat Pookey would go in there to sleep while i was gone and when the apt. was hot!!.. they are no dummies!!
Date: 6/23/2006 6:02:25 PM

Gravatar Valorie said:
Ah yes, the cool floor! Nice picture.
Date: 6/25/2006 12:00:34 AM

Gravatar deslily said:
When I lived in California I had a cat.. during the hot weather of LA I would take 2 one gallon containers and fill them with water and freeze them... then before i'd go to work I'd put them under the bathroom sink (where i also kept some towels) I'd leave the door part open and my cat Pookey would go in there to sleep while i was gone and when the apt. was hot!!.. they are no dummies!!
Date: 6/23/2006 6:02:25 PM

Gravatar Valorie said:
Ah yes, the cool floor! Nice picture.
Date: 6/25/2006 12:00:34 AM


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