Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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It's Paperback Release Day!
Two of the Deadliest is out in paperback today.


That's not my name on the front cover, but I do have a story inside. It's for sale online and at B&N stores now.

Tags: Two of the Deadlie...
4/20/2010 8:09:33 AM
On lack of sleep ... and I'm too tired to remember what else
So I've been trying something that's supposed to "promote natural sleep habits" and cut down on the hot flashes. It worked for a few nights. I'll keep it up for the month. I've paid for the damn pills already, I may as well use them.

Yes, I'm desperate. Sleep is fleeting these days. I'm told it's a common condition for women my age and I should just grab the rest while I can. Even if I don't sleep I should just kick back and relax. Read a book, watch a movie, close my eyes for a bit. I tr
7/23/2009 7:43:58 PM
It's release day!
Finally, "Two of the Deadliest: New Tales of Lust, Greed, and Murder from Outstanding Women of Mystery" is on bookstore shelves.

One very cool thing I'd like to mention about this anthology is that Elizabeth George not only invited writers who are not known in the mystery genre, but she selected several unknown writers to participate. To me, that is utter cool
7/21/2009 9:21:36 AM
Monday Mumblings
First things first. Look what arrived in the mail!



I spent Saturday in meetings and yesterday we went to see the new Harry Potter film. In case anyone has managed to remain spoiler-free, I won't give anything away except to say when Snape says, "Harry Potter," is one of the most delicious moments of the film. It's always an OTT moment, but Alan Rickman manages
7/20/2009 1:08:25 PM
Heat and other musings
Yep, it was hot today. I am looking forward to the promised 20% chance of rain with highs in the lower 90's for the weekend. Oh, I cannot wait.

I slept last night for a change, but darned if I didn't have an allergy attack. I just can't win.

Check out the sidebar for a shiny widget that allows you to browse inside "Two of the Deadliest."

Going to retreat to the relative cool of the living room, where a glass of wine and a box of memories awaits. Gerry Barker asked if I'd wr
7/14/2009 6:51:00 PM
Pardon me while I do a happy dance...
I have a couple of cool bits of news concerning Two of the Deadliest.

First, Laura Lippman's "Cougar" from the collection has been shortlisted for a Dagger Award. The winners will be announced on the 15th of July. The book was released in the UK back in May, which made the story eligible. Hearty congratulations on the shortlist!

And the book hit #1 in mystery anthologies at Amazon today. Screen capture? Of course:
7/9/2009 10:06:46 AM
It's late, and I am easily amused
Up and surfing at Amazon, and what did I see but the CD cover for the Two of the Deadliest audiobook. Yes, it looks much like the book cover, but it also notes that the text is unabridged, which is pretty cool.

Release is still scheduled for July 21.

5/29/2009 1:10:05 AM
And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor...
As in, "what pays my bills," which means writing.

Okay, it's shameless self-promotion time again!

"Two of the Deadliest" is now in stock at Amazon UK. There are a couple of nice little review excerpts there, as well.

Amazon.com now
5/6/2009 4:17:43 PM
US Cover for "Two of the Deadliest"


4/2/2009 12:28:25 PM
A Book Cover!


This title is showing up on UK editions. Nothing on US editions so far.

Pardon me while I have a squee-filled moment. Or six. Or more.


12/18/2008 2:16:20 PM
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It's Paperback Release Day!
4/20/2010 8:09:33 AM

On lack of sleep ... and I'm too tired to remember what else
7/23/2009 7:43:58 PM

It's release day!
7/21/2009 9:21:36 AM

Monday Mumblings
7/20/2009 1:08:25 PM

Heat and other musings
7/14/2009 6:51:00 PM

Pardon me while I do a happy dance...
7/9/2009 10:06:46 AM

It's late, and I am easily amused
5/29/2009 1:10:05 AM

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor...
5/6/2009 4:17:43 PM

US Cover for "Two of the Deadliest"
4/2/2009 12:28:25 PM

A Book Cover!
12/18/2008 2:16:20 PM

More Slightly Shameless Self-Promotion
10/12/2008 2:34:17 PM

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