Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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A Few Links, A Little Commentary
I'm coming up for a little air (oh, the joy of SQL) to clear out a few browser tabs:

First, some fun. Via Tellyspotting, a preview of a new Britcom called "The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff." The preview is a sort of Dickens meets modern management speak, and is darned hilarious:

(The YouTube account is gone, so I've removed the video link.)

For the font gee
2/28/2012 10:46:54 AM
Monday Mumblings Shares A Few Links
The weekend can be summed up thusly: Meetings. Watch the Rangers lose. Watch the Cowboys win. Watch the Rangers Win. Wait by the mailbox. Which brings me to a shaggy dog story to introduce the first link.

I ordered a book from an independent seller on Amazon.com ten days ago. Given what I paid for shipping I figured it would arrive by Friday. However, the book apparently spent three days sitting in a USPS Sort Facility on the east coast. Three freaking days. A friend suggested...
10/24/2011 10:08:17 AM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
While I procrastinate on cleaning the desk, I'm going to do something else useful and close a few browser windows:

An agent responds to Paperback Writer by the Beatles: Jon Gibbs via Nathan Bransford. Funny stuff.

An editorial application of Murphy's Law: Ah, we who point out proofreading mistakes sh...
8/29/2011 1:56:12 PM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
Yeah, I owe you some pictures of projects. Ooh, the Steampunky goodness! But first, I need to close some browser windows!

Comic Flowchart on How To Deal With Internet Arguments. Not entirely work safe. But oh, the award!

Questionable Practices by Literary Agents by...
8/17/2011 2:41:44 PM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
While I wait for the check to come in the mail, I'll clear out some browser tabs:

God Urges Rick Perry Not To Run For President - The Onion is good for a laugh, as is the general case. 

Harry Connolly offers up Ten Things Writers Shouldn't Do. The discussion on "branding" is fascinating.
7/28/2011 10:42:42 AM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
Time to close some browser windows again. 

Attention designers: Tired of that stale, boring lorem ipsum greeking in your layouts? Try Bacon Ipsum! For variety, try Veggie Ipsum. Or vegan. Or fish.Or hey, mix 'em up. 

Nathan Bransford reposts <...
7/21/2011 11:41:28 AM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
Mostly writing-related today:

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
Time to kill some browser windows!

First, a public service announcement from Nathan Fillion: 

(The video has been removed from YouTube, so the link here has been axed.)

Author Leslie Parrish shares a letter to Barnes & Noble about a recent experience in her local store. She also has an 7/12/2011 9:41:34 AM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
A few bits today:

This, via Lee Goldberg, a Wall Street Journal article about gatekeepers in publishing. Some of the comments at both sites are spot on. Yet, some get lost in the "publishing is broken" mantra. 

The gatekeep...
7/5/2011 5:20:12 PM
A Few Links, A Little Commentary
Time to close out a few browser tabs:

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A Few Links, A Little Commentary
2/28/2012 10:46:54 AM

Monday Mumblings Shares A Few Links
10/24/2011 10:08:17 AM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
8/29/2011 1:56:12 PM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
8/17/2011 2:41:44 PM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
7/28/2011 10:42:42 AM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
7/21/2011 11:41:28 AM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
7/19/2011 1:14:50 PM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
7/12/2011 9:41:34 AM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
7/5/2011 5:20:12 PM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
5/24/2011 9:26:25 AM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
4/26/2011 1:13:22 PM

A Few Links, A Little Commentary
4/18/2011 1:17:21 PM

Beer and exercise?
11/6/2007 9:18:20 AM

A few links
11/6/2007 8:36:22 AM

A few interesting links
10/11/2007 10:52:09 PM

If empty please try again
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