Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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Home From FenCon
Had a great time as usual at FenCon this year, and got to see a little more of the event than usual. This year was the first time I actually got to see a Guest of Honor speech since I was conchair. Cory Doctrow's talk was quite interesting, and I'm glad I was able to make the time to attend.

I think the Care and Feeding of Hats demo went over okay, and we did get some good feedback on the radio play. There will be a delay in getting the recording up, though, as we had an equip...
10/9/2013 3:15:20 PM
My FenCon Schedule
This one is light, but I turned down the opportunity for extra programming. I'd like to see just a little of my "home" convention for once.

Friday, 6:00 PM Red Oak
You Made a Hat From What?? Unusual Hats from Unusual Things
Harmoni Anderson, Becky Demonja, Beverly A. Hale, Katleen Mason, Meredith Hines

Friday 9 PM ish: Stop by the World Peace Through Chocolate party and say hi!

Saturday 2:00 PM Director's...
10/1/2013 10:29:50 PM
Monday Mumblings Is Back From FenCon
This will be short. More later as I am totally exhausted.

Apologies to everyone who caught me out of sorts this weekend. I am experiencing a perfect storm of eye issues, stress, and allergies. Any two of those I could deal with. And I might have been able to deal with all three if the allergies hadn't made a sneak attack on the good eye. I only realized what was going on when I was slammed with a sinus headache on Friday.

All in all, it was probably a ...
9/24/2012 3:27:03 PM
FenCon Report
Yeah, it's about time I got around to this. 

I was honored to be the Chair for FenCon again this year. I'd like to thank the Executive Committee, the staff, the guests, the participants, and the fen for making it all such an amazing weekend.

It's been a crazy few months, but the weekend really started last Wednesday, on move-in night. No time to celebrate my birthday, save for a little square of cake at the Chinese buffet at lunch. I went home, fi...
9/29/2011 2:26:58 PM
Fried from FenCon
Hey, I owe a Journal entry, don't I? I also owe the FenCon report, and you'll get one, provided my muscles will allow me to stay in the desk chair and my eyelids stay open.

I have to say that the convention was a blast and I have to thank all of our guests and program participants for being so amazingly wonderful.

The convention started Friday, but setup began Wednesday evening when we unloaded the trailer and stacked all of the goods in ConOps. Then we brought in another load fro
9/22/2010 10:16:55 PM
Getting Ready for FenCon
Yes, I'm about to go under again.

FenCon has a YouTube channel. I don't know how quickly they'll get some of the events up, but keep an eye on it.

Highlights for me? Opening ceremonies. And I get to interview Spider Robinson on Saturday. Is that cool, or what?

I'll be Tweeting, I'm sure. But if you're at FenCon, please look me up. I'll be the one with frizzy hair and a frazzled expression on her face.
9/15/2010 10:40:45 PM
What Would You Ask Spider Robinson?
I will be interviewing author Spider Robinson next Saturday at 4:00 pm at FenCon. Spider will be appearing at the convention from his home in Canada via Skype. Let's hope all of the pieces come together. (Here is the list of programming items he's scheduled for, if you're interested.)

So I thought I'd ask my own readers (yes, all three of you!): What would you ask Spider Robinson? Please leave
9/9/2010 10:12:31 AM
Coming Up For Air
And about to take a big gulp and go back under again.

Why yes, FenCon IS next week, isn't it? And this year I'm the Conchair, which means work, work, work...

So, what else have I done with myself lately? Took off to Amradillocon in Austin a couple of weeks ago. Had a good time hanging out with people, plus I managed to sell some photos. Much rejoicing.

Bowling season started up again last week. Didn't bowl all that well, but tonight is another night. This morning, you ask? W
9/8/2010 3:16:31 PM
The Hugo Awards Noms Are In!
I'm breaking computer silence to mention that the 2010 Hugo Awards Nomination list is up at the Aussiecon4 site. And there's some very exciting news for FenCon and our friends:

Our Artist Guest of Honor John Picacio has been nominated for Best Pro Artist.

Special Guest Ginjer Buchanan picked up a nod for Best Editor, Long form. (Ginjer was also the editor of "Quantum Leap: A-Z," which gives me another reason to pull for h
4/4/2010 4:57:52 PM
Never Seen One of Our Convention Radio Shows?
Now you can!

9/28/2009 10:53:15 AM
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Home From FenCon
10/9/2013 3:15:20 PM

My FenCon Schedule
10/1/2013 10:29:50 PM

Monday Mumblings Is Back From FenCon
9/24/2012 3:27:03 PM

FenCon Report
9/29/2011 2:26:58 PM

Fried from FenCon
9/22/2010 10:16:55 PM

Getting Ready for FenCon
9/15/2010 10:40:45 PM

What Would You Ask Spider Robinson?
9/9/2010 10:12:31 AM

Coming Up For Air
9/8/2010 3:16:31 PM

The Hugo Awards Noms Are In!
4/4/2010 4:57:52 PM

Never Seen One of Our Convention Radio Shows?
9/28/2009 10:53:15 AM

FenCon Schedule
9/17/2009 7:44:23 AM

FenCon Schedule
9/29/2008 9:06:34 AM

Home Again, Home Again
9/24/2007 10:43:52 PM

See you at FenCon this weekend!
9/20/2007 9:16:34 AM

Monday Mumblings
9/25/2006 9:40:52 AM

Are we having fun, yet?
9/18/2006 3:42:08 PM

If empty please try again
Events and Appearances:
ArmadilloCon 2024
9/6/2024  - 9/8/2024
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