Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

The Hugo Awards Noms Are In!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'm breaking computer silence to mention that the 2010 Hugo Awards Nomination list is up at the Aussiecon4 site. And there's some very exciting news for FenCon and our friends:

Our Artist Guest of Honor John Picacio has been nominated for Best Pro Artist.

Special Guest Ginjer Buchanan picked up a nod for Best Editor, Long form. (Ginjer was also the editor of "Quantum Leap: A-Z," which gives me another reason to pull for her to win.)

FenCon favorite Brad W. Foster for Best Fan Artist.

Last year's Special Guest Paul Cornell picked up two nominations - one for the Novellete "One of Our Bastards is Missing," and one for the Graphic Story "Captain Britain And MI13, Volume 3: Vampire State."

Congratulations to all the nominees.

Filed under: Hugo Awards   Fencon         


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