Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

It's the Big Year-End Wrap-Up!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, December 30, 2022

Should there be a Kermit flail here?

Well. This year was much like last year, but maybe a tad better.

My business barely managed to stay out of the red this year.

I have a shiny new laser engraver/cutter, and am looking forward to doing a lot of cool things with it next year.

I did three cons this year. I was a guest at SoonerCon, attended ArmadilloCon and put some stuff in the Art Show, and helped run FenCon, along with putting stuff in the art show. We did radio plays at SoonerCon and FenCon. As always, they were fun.

We've kept up with our boosters and flu shots and have been relatively healthy. 

We both signed up for Medicare Part A. Yes, we are now officially seniors, so you can just get off our lawn.

There were still plenty of frustrations, and I'm working hard on overcoming those. More on this later. Paul has made the margarita noise. That means it's time to shut down and drink my profits. I mean, toast a better year!

Here's to a good 2023!

Filed under: Life            


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