Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Friday, February 17, 2006
I let the cats post this one yesterday. Now it's my turn:

After I took the peach blossom picture yesterday I found Abby on the perch in a somewhat playful mood, so I turned the camera on her. As is usual in these situations I end up with many blurry and/or backlit pictures. This one was actually interesting. After I cropped the picture I lowered the saturation on each color channel except green. The degree of desaturation varied; I was trying to go for something warm but not quite B&W. Then I popped up the green just a bit to emphasize the eyes.
I have two regrets. First I managed to cut her ear off when I shot the picture. Second, it's just a bit out of focus. I've got to get a lens that's better for close-up work. Of coure, soft focus is good for portraits, but this is a bit too soft, IMO. Still, I liked the composition and lighting enough that I'm going to give this another try sometime.
Tags: Pictures, Cats