Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

My Little Dreams Were Broken

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Little Dreams Were Broken

Lisa's comment reminded me that I should explain the picture. This is a shot I was trying to get when my camera died. I was outdoors in the high wind tring to capture motion. This was a tough shot to get because I wasn't using a tripod and it was so sunny out. For the geeks, I slapped an ND2 filter on, set the shutter speed to 1/30 of a second, and took a LOT of pictures.

The title came from a song that was playing in the background at the time. The line seemed to fit, so there ya go.

The rose picture was shot with the new camera. It's working quite well, thank you!


Filed under: Pictures            


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lisa said:
After all that, your camera is still not working?? Gahhhh.
Date: 2/14/2008 10:14:35 PM Date: 2/14/2008 10:14:35 PM

julie said:
Funny you should mention that. The title of the shot came form a Travis song that was playing in the background at the time. This picture, however, was the one I was trying to get when my camera broke. I was trying to capture movement of the branches in the high wind. Guess I should have explained myself better. Oops.
Date: 2/15/2008 1:39:10 AM Date: 2/15/2008 1:39:10 AM

Lisa said:
Ahhh. Glad to hear it didn't break again.
Date: 2/15/2008 8:19:02 AM Date: 2/15/2008 8:19:02 AM

lisa said:
After all that, your camera is still not working?? Gahhhh.
Date: 2/14/2008 10:14:35 PM Date: 2/14/2008 10:14:35 PM

julie said:
Funny you should mention that. The title of the shot came form a Travis song that was playing in the background at the time. This picture, however, was the one I was trying to get when my camera broke. I was trying to capture movement of the branches in the high wind. Guess I should have explained myself better. Oops.
Date: 2/15/2008 1:39:10 AM Date: 2/15/2008 1:39:10 AM

Lisa said:
Ahhh. Glad to hear it didn't break again.
Date: 2/15/2008 8:19:02 AM Date: 2/15/2008 8:19:02 AM

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