Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Elvis has left the building...

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

...and the doves have left the nest.

Empty Nest SyndromeEmpty Nest Syndrome Hosted on Zooomr

The last two weeks were just too rainy for dove pictures. Between that and the cold from you-know-where, there just wasn't much of an opportunity to shoot.

I'm feeling better, thanks!

Filed under: Pictures            


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Raoul said:
Does that mean the chicks grew up and were able to fly on their own?
Date: 4/12/2007 8:36:09 AM Date: 4/12/2007 8:36:09 AM

Steven said:
Good luck little birds! Hope they made it.
Date: 4/12/2007 11:41:23 PM Date: 4/12/2007 11:41:23 PM

Raoul said:
Does that mean the chicks grew up and were able to fly on their own?
Date: 4/12/2007 8:36:09 AM Date: 4/12/2007 8:36:09 AM

Steven said:
Good luck little birds! Hope they made it.
Date: 4/12/2007 11:41:23 PM Date: 4/12/2007 11:41:23 PM

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