Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Better late than never

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Saturday, February 11, 2006

Consider this Friday's entry.

Having a sick is no fun. To be fair, it's less fun for the kid than for me. I spent part of yesterday tracking down assignments, and then catching up on the grocery shopping.

While I was out I picked up season one of Black Books. We watched a couple of episodes last night - absolutely hilarous stuff. We actually saw an episode of this when we were in Ireland.

The cold weather hit yesterday. I told you. Today's picture is a last, lingering look at my peach buds. We're in for two nights of a hard freeze, so I don't expect very many blossoms this year. The tree may prove me wrong.

Watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night in HD. We had to retire to the back so the DVR could pick up the Britcoms. Yeah, we ended up with an HD set in the bedroom. It's a long story.

Okay. Picture is next, and then I've got to dig deep into DI paperwork. Joy.

Filed under: Life            


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