Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Bad Air Day

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bad, bad air day. It's my own fault. Yesterday I pulled out the file cabinets and discovered papers and dust that were so ancient they could be carbon dated. Next I crawled under the corner piece of the desk and pulled cables, dusted, vaccumed, and sneezed.

Now I have two nice, clean spots for the new file cabinets - once I find a pair that I like. Chris and I went to a used office furniture store yesterday. This particular place sells stuff to benefit a charity, so I thought perhaps I could get a deal and support a good cause. Two-drawer cabinets were all $55 - including the O'Sullivan fiberboard and veneer model that sells at Office Depot for $39. Perhaps the missing piece of veneer made it valuable? I was hoping to find something wood (okay, fiberboard and veneer on my budget) and saw some metal ones with wood grain on the doors. Sadly, they weren't in the best shape. I think I can get something new and just as sturdy for less money. Too bad. I wouldn't mind supporting a good cause and keeping something from the landfill.

Paul is working from home today, and then his vacation starts. Chris has two exams today and one tomorrow. As a result, journaling will be sporadic. Now I must go finish off the last of my shopping.

Filed under: Life            


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