Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

What's goin' on in the clean world?

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, October 20, 2022

It's not quite that dire, but it's been crazy here, as usual.

I really, really need to better keep up with this space. The best ways to follow are on Facebook and Twitter until I get this all going again.

So, what *has* been going on? SoonerCon was great. There was also FenCon in September, which was a challenge. Lots of things I can't talk about, but if you were there or follow the con you now that our sleeping rooms got double booked and controlled chaos ensued. The hotel was great in working with us on getting everything straightened out, but my stress levels went absolutely through the roof.

Which is mostly why I haven't been hanging around on ye olde journal lately.

We got caught up on Covid boosters last week. Of course, I had side effects. 

Last night was bowling and I had a good night. High game was 222. That's really unusual for me. This year has been a challenge as I hurt my right arm at FenCon. It's recovering, but hitting my mark has been, yes, a challenge.

The word for this year may be "challenge."

We will be at Doctor Who Day at The British Emporium this weekend. See the Events bit on the sidebar (or at the bottom if you're viewing this on your phone) for more details.

What else has been going on? Oh! I got a new laser! It's an AtomStack P7 M40. I've been engraving some glasses and playing around with other things. I've discovered I can engrave fabric! This will be cool. I now have an enclosure and a ventilation system, which is really important. 

And I just realized I had better scoot down to the grocery store.

More later, I hope!

Filed under: Life            


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9/6/2024  - 9/8/2024