Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Get Organized? Hahahahaha!

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, July 11, 2013

I have decided to put off my office and sewing room organization plans until at least the end of the year. I don't concede this as a defeat. There are several good reasons for this. First and foremost is the fact that some tasks I took on for this year are bigger than I'd planned. Second, I'm starting to sell hats! Making money is good. Making money means I can think about spending a little on organization tools. Third, my schedule for this year filled up. And fast. 

There is one other major reason I'm putting this off: planning. Every time I get a bug to get organized, I just dive something and become overwhelmed and leave it partially done. This time I want to have a plan. I'd like to spend time figuring out how I work and how to create a good work flow. I'd like some time to devote to the organization task itself, and that means Thanksgiving at the earliest. 

This is NOT procrastination. It's planning. This doesn't absolve me from attacking piles of stuff as I have a few minutes.

Part of my planning has been looking at pictures and articles for inspiration. The steps, so far as I can figure, are these:

1. Get rid of all of your furniture.
2. Buy the designer organization furniture of the moment.
2a. Or, go to the antique store and pick up these specific items: an old library card file, a massive oak table, an old armoire or two, and don't forget the Victorian-era comfy chairs and ottoman.
2b. Or, combine the antiques with the organization furniture of the moment!
3. Buy that Zen laptop and/or monitor and keyboard combination. You're not trying unless you spend at least $2,000.

Oh, and a corner of a room won't do. You need an entire room. Best to make over your master bedroom and sleep in a nook in the living room. Better yet, just build a designer "shed" in your already beautifully landscaped back yard. 

Funny, but all these examples and plans hardly ever mention obstacles like money, kids in college, money, car payments, and money that might stand in the way. 

So, this will be done on the cheap. And that's also going to take planning, too. I don't want to just drop money without good reason. And I fully expect something to come along to throw a massive wrench in my plans. Because, that's the way things go. I'll probably settle for a lot less than I want, but why not dream big? I can always scale down, as usual.

Tags: Life

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