Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Rejoins The Land Of The Living

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, January 14, 2013

If you happen to know the license plate of that truck that ran me over LAST Sunday night...

I don't think it was the flu, but it was four or five days (depending on how you count) of fever, coughs, and TMI digestive issues, plus three more days of the TMI stuff after the fever broke.

Saturday I was in good enough shape for us to go out and celebrate our wedding anniversary. Thirty-three years. And yep, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I don't know what the guy sees in me. 

Spent all day Sunday in bed clutching the tummy and moaning.

But I'm better this morning, thanks. I have no choice in the matter, really. Tomorrow is quarterly tax day for the self-employed. Joy.

Then it's down to work. Forgot to mention in my schedule that I'll be a dealer at Sci-Fi Expo February 9-10. That's the weekend before ConDFW. I'm gonna be a busy lady for the next month. Also this Saturday is the big FenCon kick-off party. Crazy season has officially started.

Back to work. I've got a stack of receipts that piled up while I was sick (the guys were doing things like buying food. The nerve!) and it might be nice to make sure there's still money in the bank before I go doing things like buying even more food and some tax software.

Tags: Life

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