Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Schedule Updatery

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, September 17, 2012

It's going to be a busy fall and winter for a change. Here's my updated schedule:

FenCon - 9/21-23. I consider FenCon to be my "home" convention. Might have something to do with the fact that I'm on the ConCom. This year I'm on the Sherlock Holmes panel at 1:00 Saturday, and at 2:00 the Generic Radio Workshop will be holding an audition/reading for the radio play to be performed during the cabaret. I will also have items in the art show. Oh, we'll also be hosting a chocolate-themed party either Friday or Saturday night. 

Octopodicon - October 5-7. This is a cool new Steampunk convention on Oklahoma City. The guest lineup looks fabulous, and I'm honored to be part of the group. I'll also have items in the art show.

Fan Days - October 19-21. Holy moley, does this look like fun! Check out the guest list. I'm going to be in the exhibitor hall.

ConDFW - February 15-19. They've asked me back! ConDFW is a lot of fun, and this year they're moving to the Crowne Plaza in Addison. Yep, the FenCon, All-Con, Furry Fiesta and (probably something else) hotel.  GoH is Jo Walton. I'll probably have items in the art show as well.

If you're going to be at any (or all) of those events, drop by and say hi!

Filed under: Conventions            


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