Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Has A Tummy Ache

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm not sure if it's the heat or something I ate over the weekend, but let's just say I've had a tummy ache and leave it at that, shall we?

You're welcome.

Naturally, being under the weather makes me particularly cranky, so I'll try to spend this post talking about good things.

Well, that does it. See you next post!

Wait a minute!

Just joking. 

We watched some Olympics this weekend, and a couple of movies. Saturday we braved the heat and went down into East Dallas to The Old Monk, a nifty pub. Tried a new beer, had a burger with bruder basil cheese. Yum.

Yesterday we pubbed it again at the Allen Whickers in Plano. I really, really wanted the Scotch Egg, but my tummy had started to ache, so I took the easy route with an omelette. And a Guinness. Well, a girl has to be a little adventurous, right?

Spent today doing SQL. But wait, I said I was going to be upbeat! Well, I finished some nasty SQL stuff, and it works. There ya go.

And laundry. Not upbeat enough. Well, we had some rain in the area, just not here. But there was a nice burst of wind ahead of hit all that brought the temps down below 100F for a bit,. Now that was nice. 

I also spent a little time working up a publishing-related journal post. That's up next.

Tags: Life

Filed under: Monday Mumblings   Life         


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