Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Needs To Issue An Orange Alert

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, July 9, 2012

Well, what else do I do with the weekend flea market find?


Pardon the crappy cell phone picture. 

Yes, it's an Ericofon! So we can now call for an Orange Alert or take a call from SMERSH. 

Paul's been wanting one of these for years, and every time we spot one it's either badly broken or very overpriced. This one was a deal. And yes, it works - even with our fiber phone line! It's apparently a rather early US model, which makes it all the more cool. 

I'm going to be deep in some work this week, so I decided that the weekend needed to be spent away from the computer, so I could recharge. Paul suggested the First Saturday flea market in downtown Dallas, so we went. We picked up a few little things, but the phone was the highlight of the trip. 

I even took a nap on Saturday. Lovely!

Yesterday I cleaned up the other flea market find - some metal grids to go with the display stuff for art shows - and did some reorganizing on the sewing nook. 

Now I get to grab some lunch, start laundry, and get cracking on work. If I'm not back in three days, send for a search party. 

Tags: Life

Filed under: Monday Mumblings   Life         


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