Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

The Big Tomato Product Post

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Yeah, as in "catch up." Or something like that.

These last few weeks have been busy with conventions and the like. I'm also getting into the crunch time for FenCon. No, I'm not the chair this year, but I'm still working hard on making the event happen this year.

I also have a September 1 deadline for an anthology piece. Plotting that is taking up a serious amount of time, but oh, is it fun!

In all the hubub I forgot to mention that my friend (and damned good writer) P.N. Elrod has a Kickstarter Project going. She made her goal today, but you can still kick in a few bucks and get some great rewards.

I guess the big news was the Supreme Court upholding most of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Color me surprised. I figured if they'd uphold it, they would based on the taxing authority of Congress as they did. Yet, I didn't expect they'd uphold it. 

I know this has upset some folks, but for the love of all that is good and holy, please stick to the truth when you comment on news sites. Some of the fear mongering out there is truly outrageous. 

Oh, and the Steam Cat store is back online. If you're looking for deerstalker hats, spats, or hatpins, drop by. Or just drop by and take a look if you're not in the market. Tell your friends! 

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