Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

A Decade Of Blogging

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, May 17, 2012

It was ten years ago today that I wrote: 
Looks like we're in for our first heavy storms of spring. I've managed to clear out just enough space in the garage for my car. Having lost a car in a hail storm once, I don't want to do it again - especially since I'm not finished with the payments!
And from looking at the time stamp, it was just about this time of day, too!

While this is the earliest surviving entry, I'm fairly certain there were more. They're probably on a - *shudder* - zip drive somewhere. 

So what have I learned in ten years of blogging, aside from the fact that I have about three readers? Well, it's good to have something to force me to write some days, though obviously I don't blog every day. Shame on me. 

I've learned a a heck of a lot on the .Net/SQL side. When I started, the blog was as much an exercise in programming as much as one in writing. Tools available at the time were stone knives and bear skins Front Page, ASP 2.0, and Access. SQL Server was not widely available. A decade later, I'm on SQL Server 2008, .Net 4.0, and one version or another of Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer. I tend to switch depending on which computer I'm using. All the underlying code is still rolled by hand. Why do I do this instead of going to Wordpress or some CMS? Because now, as ten years ago, I'm still doing some outside work in these technologies and sometimes the blog (and the web site, by extension) is a bit of a test bed. I need a place to apply what I learn, and this is it. And yes, we're geeks, and we like to to silly, fun things, and sometimes in order to do those silly, fun things you've gotta know what's going on under the hood, so to speak. 

Here's to ten years, and many more, I hope.

If you're interested in seeing the early entries, they're buried here.

Tags: Technology   Life

Filed under: Technology   Life         


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