Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Has A Paper Poacher

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, April 9, 2012

But first, a calming picture of the Smoke Tree:


The Smoke Tree is so named because, from a distance, the blooms do look like smoke. It's difficult to tell from this picture because the blooms are very pink at this stage.

Our Sunday paper was poached again. I can't figure out if someone is too cheap to spend the three bucks, or too lazy to walk the block and a half down the street to the CVS. So Paul and I walked the block and a half, paid three bucks for the Sunday paper - and no ads. Well, there were four. I don't know if the lack of ads was due to Easter Sunday or not.

The big reason I get the Sunday paper in print is for ads and coupons, and I resent the hell out of having it swiped from my front yard. I'm not going to get up at the crack of dawn to grab the paper. I'm paying for the convenience of a Sunday paper, not for some idiot to steal it.

Enough of that. I'm going to step away and do some other things. I've worked all weekend and I've got a ganglion coming in on one wrist. I nearly dropped a hot frying pan full of scrambled eggs yesterday because the wrist wouldn't support it. That's a good sign that I need to stop again and take care of my body.

As if I could step away from the computer, but I do try...

Tags: Pictures  Life

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