Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Kicking Up Dust

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, November 25, 2011

In the previous entry I mentioned that I was doing some cleaning in the back bedroom. It was past time to dust and reorganize the bookcases. The other major task is some maintenance on the workstation/writing nook. I don't get to  spend nearly as much time there as I would like. Mainly, it's just been inconvenient to work in the back. But I do have some software installed there that isn't on my main computer, and I plan to use it in the next couple of weeks. So I fired up the computer and discovered that both the OS and the antivirus software were woefully out of date. Of course, when the computer is sitting in the corner with the power off, it's not vulnerable to virises.  Trun it on, and it gets interesting.

I've spent a good deal of the afternoon and evening applying updates. Next, I'll give it a good defragging. Hey, what I do to my computer in the privacy of my own home is MY business. :-) 

Of course I managed to kick up abouy half a metric truckoad of dust, so my lungs are not happy at the moment. I am sitting id bed with a water glass in easy reach, working from the tablet as I keep an eye on the computer display for the next reboot.

And there it is...

I hope to attack the desk in the office before yhe weekend is over. For now I think I'll just read, consume more water, and cough up some of that dust.

Filed under: Life            


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