Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Busy, busy

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yeah, I know: I haven't posted much this year so far - all two weeks of it. I've been busy. Busy with work, busy with setting up for the year, busy contemplating. And busy catching up on sleep.

The work has been mostly things involving the non-profit I do a lot of work with. I'm also starting a new sekkrit projekt. Yeah, I hate to mention most of those things because they don't always get off the ground. However, this project is giving me the opportunity to learn some very cool new skills. Old dogs, new tricks, that sort of thing. Sorry, cats.

The other big thing that's kept me busy has been round one of taxes. I freelance, therefore I obsess about taxes.

That leaves reflection and the sleep. Lately my writing has been coming in fits and starts and I've not been happy with my output at all. I can blame it partly on lack of sleep, but not all. I've come to realize that I've been spending too much time plotting and planning and trying to make things fit into what I think ought to be a storyline rather than writing for just the sheer joy of wordplay.

This means I must come up with a new cunning writing plan. A writing plan so ... damn, where did my Thesaurus go?

But right now, I'm feeling tired. Better strike while the irony is hot and crawl into bed.

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