Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings Slips A Day

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I got busy yesterday, working on a pro bono job. December is almost always slow in terms of paying work. Once in a while a client will discover some "use it or lose it" budget and push some work my way, but that's just the nature of the type of freelance work I do. Hey, it gives me a chance to do the year-end books, do some cleaning and reorganizing in the office, and do a little personal rest and recharge. Plus, I get some guilt-free Christmas shopping time!

And yeah, the economy's tanked and it's been a bad year for folks like me. But I've been through years like this before, and no doubt will go through them again. </obligatory "really, I'm fine" note>

It was a fairly productive day, even though I worked until after 10:00 last night. I finally got approval on one element of this project and decided I should follow through on finishing it up. Also got a truckload of errands that had been scheduled for today out of the way.

Spent part of the weekend blocking and reporting the writer spam on Twitter. Apparently that was one of several attacks. If you got the accai berry spam and clicked the link, please change your password. (No, I didn't get the spam.) Thus endeth the morning PSA.

The big job over the weekend was getting the Catmas card finished. Here's a sneak peek of the web version. It's one huge graphic, so beware. The job today is to break that up into several smaller graphics for easier loading. The paper cards got mailed yesterday, so if you're on the list you should be getting yours in a day or two.

I'm also working on a follow-up to the previous blog post. The crappy economy always brings out more scammy job listings, and I'm planning to write on recognizing and avoiding freelance writing scams.

Ah, well. Got stuff to do today. Decongestant to take, breathing to do, that sort of thing. Breathing could be handy.

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