Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings would like to crawl back into bed, does some housekeeping instead

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, November 1, 2010

Some days it just doesn't pay to get up. Seriously. I wanted to go back to bed and crawl back out in hopes things would look better. But no.

Damn mirror just doesn't make me look younger.

Seriously, it's just one of those days when I can't get the gumption to do much of anything beyond the laundry and grocery shopping. It's partly the fall sinus crap taking hold. Just makes me feel ... like crap. It's this sort of thing that's just on the ragged edge of being sick. Combine that with the recent resurgence of hot flashes, and it's ... oh, TMI.

I did manage to accomplish a little blog housekeeping. Over the weekend I discovered that the RSS feed was slightly borked - just enough that some RSS feed services refused to recognize a new update. I think I've managed to get it fixed. Also did a little fiddling with the CSS.

Think I'll spend the next couple of hours back on the negative scanning project. At least it's something productive I can do.

As part of the whole scanning thing I'm going to post the occasional archive picture. One of those will be coming up in just a few minutes.

Oh, and before I forget it, congratulations to both P.N. Elrod and Rachel Caine for being nominated for the Romantic Times Lifetime Achievement Award for Urban Fantasy. I'm very happy for both of them. And Rachel just reported that GHOST TOWN is currently #2 on Waterstones. I have a copy on my nightstand, in the TBR stack.

Have a good week. I'm going to go scan negatives and try not to notice the big basket of leftover chocolate candy.

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