Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings, Spring Break Edition

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, March 15, 2010

It's Spring Break week here at the Manor, meaning Chris gets to sleep in a little bit every day this week - except Monday. This is because he doesn't have classes on Monday this semester, so I let him sleep until I'm about ready  for the two of us to go out for our Monday coffee shop trip.

But today was different. Paul is home, nursing an injury sustained over the weekend. This is what he gets for trying to bring some order into the chaos that is our garage. Hey, I think it's a noble cause, and so does he. But he's laid up for a week now. Don't worry; he's going to be fine. I took him to the doctor this afternoon (our primary care physician is an Osteopath, so he was able to some manipulation on the affected area. Plus, he prescribes drugs! No, I don't know if they're good drugs. They're not for me.

Seriously, I like this doc, so don't take any snark the wrong way.

I'd say that put a kink in my Monday, but it didn't, other than the fact that I was out of bed earlier than usual so I could get showered and get Paul to the office to pick up his office laptop so he could work from home.

He's going to be fine. The only trick is going to be keeping him from doing too much too soon - a problem all to familiar to me.

I've done everything but write today. I made hotel reservations for a couple of upcoming conventions (SoonerCon, where I'm a guest, and Conestoga, where I'm just going to hang out) - but hey, if you want me on a panel...) and worked off a couple of tasks that I couldn't take care of last week. You know how it goes when you're waiting on that last bit of information in order to finish something off? I had several tasks hanging at that stage, and the information all came in over the weekend.

To be fair, I did get some research out of the way today. Yes, I know: There's a time when you should ditch the research and write already, but this was a point on which the whole dramatic opening scene hinges, and on which the first plot revelation depends. It's one of those points that will ripple through the entire work, so yes, I'd rather have that fact nailed down, thank you very much.

And now, at long last, I think I'm ready to plow into this thing. And there was much rejoicing.

Gosh, it's 5:30. I suppose I ought to get dinner going, eh?

Tags: Life

Filed under: Life   Writing         


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