Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.


Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, February 26, 2010

It's the end of the week. And there was MUCH rejoicing.

Actually, today was a busy day, and I'm still waiting for the inevitable crash. I may even write some more.

I lazed around ab bit this morning, but then took off to vote early for Tuesday's primary election, ran down to Buckingham for a bottle or two, back for groceries, home for laundry, housework, research, and some writing.

I still have some energy, but I probably ought not to push myself. I'd like to think I've turned a bit of a corner with all my "certain age" issues. Yes, I whine. The truth, though, is that things could be far worse, and I know it.

And speaking of looking on the bright side of life, an event I ever so wish would come to a cinema near me:

Okay, I'll take the DVD. Please?

So yes, writing. I made some decent progress on the WIP backstory today. I'm getting very close to wrapping that part up, I think. I'm trying to flesh this character out so I can get busy with writing the actual story and less of the "get on with it!" stuff in my draft. I'm still not convinced this will be something I can sell, but I've had a grand time finding this character's voice and fleshing out her past. In that respect it's not wasted work.

Also had some interesting conversations on Twitter today. I've met (virtually, anyway) some very fun, smart folks. Some apparently live in the area. It might be nice to meat up for real, but I'm afraid I'd disappoint.

I think I'll go finish my train of thought in my WIP, then go read. What am I reading? Good question. I don't talk enough about what I'm reading, and I should. Sometimes I'm reading things related to my writing, and others I'm reading stuff just for fun. Right now I'm reading Conan Doyle's The Firm of Girdlestone. Next, I plan to tackle some of the Nebula Award nominees I haven't read. The Nebulas you say? Yes, the list of nominees is out, and I'll get to vote this year.

Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for putting up with me this week.
Tags: Life Writing What I'm Reading

Filed under: Life   Writing   What I'm Reading      


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