Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

An Item of Sherlockian Interest

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yes, we did jump in and start cleaning in the home office today. That's a story for later, but I think I may post a few pictures along the way of items we've uncovered. This is like an archaeological expedition. How could such a small closet be so stuffed?

I found a framed copy of my first pro sale - an article for a computer magazine. I need to scan and preserve that. But I also found this:


I was the winner of the first ever 1st Bangalore Pioneers (they were a Sherlockian society) Crime Contest. The year was 1987. So, you ask: what was the contest? The challenge was to come up with a cunning plan to kill Sherlock Holmes. The 1st Bangalore Pioneers, you see, was the regiment to which Col. Sebastian Moran belonged. Moran was a henchman of Moriarty, and his presence in London brought Holmes out of his hiatus. In "The Empty House," Holmes had a wax bust of himself placed in his room and he and Watson staked out the empty building across the street, knowing Moran wouldn't be able to resist taking a shot with his specially-made air gun. I submitted Moran's "confession" as my entry.

While I'm at it, here's a picture I shot that same year:


That was taken during our first trip to England.

I'm about done in for the night. More later...

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Filed under: Life   Holmes, Sherlock Holmes         


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